Friday, 15 June 2012

Friday 15th June

China’s coal glut
One of the factors at play is that as electricity production growth stalls in China, and power plants’ coal inventory remains high, inventory elsewhere is rising in ports and warehouses. No one is buying.

The Fear Trade
As Greeks head the the polls this weekend there’s a huge absence of positive vision in the market.  Fear is driving every discussion.

China would prefer rate cuts to stimulus: officials
(Reuters) - China is more likely to implement economic reform, cut interest rates and reduce bank reserve ratios to stimulate growth, rather than launch an expensive new stimulus plan, current and former officials said on Thursday.

Much has been made in recent weeks about the Eurozone troubles and the spillover into China.   It’s nice to put things into context in order to understand the global effect here and see just how much the European weakness is hurting China.

The 5 myths of the great financial meltdown
Five years after the U.S. economy teetered on collapse, here are five reasons why we need to stop pointing fingers and fix the problems that nearly sank us.

Central bank rumors are like big boobs - some are real and some are fake, but most guys are happy to play either way.

THE ARTICLE THAT MOVED THE MARKETS YESTERDAY. Exclusive: Central banks ready to combat Greek market storm.
Central banks from major economies stand ready to take steps to stabilize financial markets by providing liquidity and preventing a credit squeeze if the outcome of Greek elections on Sunday causes tumultuous trading, G20 officials told Reuters.

What's at Stake in the Greek Vote
If a Greek exit from the euro zone looks close to certain after Sunday's election, we will see a full-fledged bank run.

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